Retirement community resident riding motorcycle


A happy Maranatha Village resident, Sonne Hooper, sits astride his pride and joy—a Honda motorcycle.

Sonne grew up in Wyoming, but spent most of his life in Texas. He studied for the ministry at Rockmont Bible College, then earned an engineering degree at the University of Wyoming. His career was in the space program working on the Apollo missions as flight controller on Skylab. He has also served as a Minister of Music throughout his life.

Sonne has motorcycled since 1948, traveling more than 500,000 miles without an accident. He jointed the Maranatha Village family in 2017. He says, “I greatly appreciate the time spent here. God is good.” The residents are pleased to welcome him, and are proud to have a beautiful motorcycle moving through the Village.


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Offering Seniors Security and a Home

“Dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture” Psalm 37:3

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