Many ministry opportunities are available to those living in The Village. Do you play a musical instrument? We may have a place for your talents. Do you love to sing? We can always use another voice in our choir. Ushers and greeters help make sure everyone is comfortable during church services. You can also help with special projects and missionary activities.
The ministry of the Chapel is made possible through offerings received in the Sunday services, and by the tithe of those who make the Chapel their church home. On-line giving is available too. These funds cover the Chaplains’ salaries, missions giving, and operational expenses.
World Missions has a prominent emphasis in the ministry of Maranatha Village Chapel.
Through the faithful giving of residents, monthly support is provided to 72 missionaries, and investments made in vital missions-oriented projects and educational institutions.
Maranatha Chapel serves Long-Term Care and Assisted Living residents. Independent Living residents may choose to attend one of the many churches in the Springfield, Missouri area. Others may decide to make Maranatha Chapel their church home.
Many residents enjoy both options, attending a local church for the Sunday morning service and MV Chapel for the evening service.
Here, one can live out their Christian faith in a God-honoring context.
“Dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture” Psalm 37:3