Maranatha Village was on our minds ever since we moved to Springfield, Missouri, twenty-five years ago. At first, it was the possibility of Marcie’s mother, who lived with us, becoming a resident. When, the time came that she needed more care, a room became available in Assisted Living, and we moved her to that facility. She had four great years at Maranatha. 

We began thinking about our future when retiring from foreign missions’ service with the Assemblies of God. Three years ago, we put our name on the waiting list for a duplex. Two years later, we received a call from the director of Independent Living, saying a duplex was available.

 We had to decide if we were ready to move. Our home was way larger than what we needed, and the yard was getting more difficult to maintain. We decided that we wanted to make this move while we were able to make the decision, and manage the move—not when our kids had to make the decision for us. We started downsizing, put our house on the market, and prepared to move. Our new home at Maranatha Village was painted, new flooring laid, and new appliances installed. We moved in on January 13, 2022.

Our experience here has been super positive.  We knew many people here, and have made lots of new friends. We attend services at the Maranatha Chapel when we are not committed at our church. We are still involved with our family with Sunday dinners and sports activities. When we travel, we know that our home is secure and the yard will be maintained. Maintenance needs have been met quickly. We are still able to have guests in our two-bedroom, two-bath home. There are many activities in the Community Center. We are happy with our life at Maranatha Village. God bless Maranatha Village!


All eyes, at Maranatha Village, Springfield, Missouri, have been on the growth and development of three baby swans. Kate and Kyle, the


The West Haven Terrace block in Maranatha Village, Springfield, Missouri consists of 11 housing units. The block residents are great friends, and


The first day of summer found residents of Maranatha Village, Springfield, Missouri, enjoying the annual fish fry hosted by the Village administrative

Offering Seniors Security and a Home

“Dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture” Psalm 37:3

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