Maranatha Village workers, numbering 155, are dependable and trustworthy. They each contribute to the well-ordered community, and keep things looking nice. It is evident that their work is more than a job, more than a salary. They truly care about the residents, and give their best to make senior living a pleasant experience.

Maranatha Village leadership, in recognition of the worker’s commitment, honored those having served five, ten, or fifteen years with a gift and increase in salary. Employee Appreciation Day was a big success!


Casting one’s ballot is the mark of a good citizen. Maranatha Village retirement community encourages all residents to be involved in civic


Maranatha Village retirement community is a group of seniors living together on a 100-acre campus, The hub for sponsored activities and entertainment is

100 and FABULOUS

Ruth Blizzard, a Maranatha Village resident, celebrated 100 years of God’s faithfulness. She is an amazing lady: presenting herself with grace and

Offering Seniors Security and a Home

“Dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture” Psalm 37:3

© 2024 Maranatha Village | All rights reserved | An Assemblies of God Ministry